Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Blessing in Disguise

We are constantly bombarded with unpleasant and tragic news. Now and then, we hear about the news of a friend's parent who was diagnosed with a terminal illness, a friend's grandmother who slipped in the bathroom and suffered concussion, a friend who met with a fatal accident etc. The list seems endless. These news are so frequent that we have become immune towards them. We may feel sad at the moment we receive the news, we may sympathize and try to comfort the person at that moment; but after a day or two, our life goes back to normal and we totally forget about the incident.

Yet, it is a different story altogether when we or our loved ones play the leading roles in the unpleasant drama. On 9th August, I was robbed by two Chinese and I lost RM 200, my handphone and my watch. My immediate response towards the loss of material possessions revealed the depth of my attachment towards and love for temporal wealth. Through the incident, I was challenged to reexamine my love for God versus my love for wealth. Eventually, my heart was at peace and I was able to tell God, "These things are of no value to me, as long as I have your love, nothing else matters."

Other than that, I was emotionally shaken for a couple of days. Yet, as I travel through the emotional valleys, I began to understand how others feel when they endure through unpleasant experiences. This experience of mine is precious to me because it enables me to empathize (not just sympathize) with others, understanding how others feel when they go through those difficult moments.

Thanks to the incident, I was able to reexamine my love towards God and towards wealth. Furthermore, the experience enables me in the future to empathize with others when they go through similar experiences. I know that I have a story to tell that can bring comfort and healing to others.

Blessing in disguise, isn't it? Thank you, Abba Father.



Blogger rccnlj said...

Hey Dan... Glad to know that you've grown in that experience. I remember when a similar incident happened to me and I was quite shaken for several days after. As you put it, I too learnt to emphatise with others and it made me more aware not to trivialise things like this that happened to others. Glad to know that you're ok now too. :)

12:09 am  
Blogger Jonzz said...

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9:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hello.....it has been more than 10 days no new entry....wake up from sleep man !!!!!Anxiously waiting for ur reflection.

1:07 pm  
Blogger rccnlj said...

Hey Dan! Internet connection up again! Time to blog!!!!! *cheeky grin*

10:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God you could see the face of God through your loss. I am sure God will bless you.Buddha is right in saying "The things of this world are just temporary, and they cannot give permanant joy". Hindhuism Philosopher Sankara says " all things in the world are just Maya, only Brahman is ultimate reality". Christian say......

12:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not blogging for long time?
let's blog ra,,,,

11:03 am  

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