Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Songs They Hear (Epilogue)

Young people love to listen to Christian songs that focus on the feelings of the individual (towards God). These songs provide a platform for them to express their devotion to God in a creative way (monotony is their arch enemy). Yet, without prior warning, a danger lies ahead of them. Their tendency of listening to / singing songs that focus on feelings alone can lead them to a kind of spirituality that is shallow and bankrupt.

By examining the content of the songs today, it is not difficult to realize that these songs are very human-centered, focusing on the feelings of the worshippers and as a result, God is being reduced to a minor role. Furthermore, because these songs only talk about feelings (e.g. "I love you", "I want to live for you" etc.) and not much about God himself, we realize that this affects their spirituality as well. Just listen to the prayers that they pray. It seems that they do not have much to say about God, but much to say to God (about themselves).

We need to rediscover songs that are God-centered, song that have the ability to bring out the beauty of God. Thus, when we sing these songs, not only are we able to express our devotion to God, but we are able to be enriched and educated of the knowledge of God through the lyrics as well. Isn't it beautiful to be able to learn about God through songs as well? (How many popular Christian songs today can do that?)

As we immersed ourselves in songs such as these, I believe that our spirituality can be enriched, and we will be able to express our worship to God in a deeper way.



Blogger keropok lekor said...

I wonder whether have you heard of Graham Kendrick. His songs are quite good, theologically solid and yet spiritually refreshing and moving.


4:10 pm  
Blogger wahah said...

How about Chris Tomlin?

Here's a good 'review' of him by biblical scholar Ben Witherington:


(Disclaimer: Chris Tomlin also sings rock... hope you are not opposed to that style of music)

11:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ditto, brother.

1:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, can i copy ur thots and link it back to u from my blog? i find them rather interesting and truly echoed the words in my heart =)

9:17 pm  
Blogger Dan said...

Thanks for the comments, Ryan. First and foremost, my reflections in my blog is a response to the situation in many YF and among many youth leaders today. I realize that there is an OVERemphasis on these "unrealistic" songs (forgive me for labeling them this way). I do not mean that these songs should be discarded totally, for I recognize the value and the beauty in some of these songs, for sometimes some of these songs enable me to connect better with God because of their content.

But my concern is that there is seldom any emphasis on songs that truly reflect the Way of Christ, songs that bring out educational values, songs that educate us that in order to follow Christ, we need to carry our own cross, for the road ahead is a winding path, songs that talk about suffering and pain etc. My concern is that we are not providing them a complete picture of what the Way of Christ truly is. (perhaps if we observe songs written by persecuted churches, we will see a totally different perspective of Christianity). Thus, what I am addressing is an issue of balancing, not swinging from one extreme to the other.

And yes, we cannot based on one aspect to judge a person's spiritual quality, that is why I write "Their tendency of listening to / singing songs that focus on feelings alone [b]can[/b] lead them to..." and not use "[b]will [/b]lead them to" for I believe that the music and the content of a song has great influence on a person. Thus, I truly believe that what kind of music a person listens to greatly affects the person's character and mentality.

Also, regarding PS and Hillsongs, definitely they have very good songs, no doubt about it. But again, my concern is that many YF leaders and worship leaders only allow themselves to be exposed to this two groups, and not be exposed to many other rich and meaningful songs (you can see it in the ESPlosion worship sessions). Suggestions: Why not Indonesian Christian songs, Christian songs by Asian writers etc?) A wider range of songs with various kind of lyrics can lead us to a richer and deeper spirituality.

2:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi daniel, i had a blogpost up abt reverence to God. sort of related to ur post abt music =) do let me knw what u think.

3:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my blog's at peilingzhis.blogspot.com now.

3:45 pm  

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