Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pitfalls of Evangelism (6)


We often assume that if we do not preach the message to others verbally, we are not preaching at all. However, since the Message is a person, it is better for 'the other' to experience him relationally (through us), rather than propositionally (through our words). Also, as we have read in the previous posts of this series, we are often guilty of exploiting relationships by seeing friends and strangers as objects for conversion. We assume that the primary concern of the Church is evangelism and conversion of 'non-Christians', even when relationships are sacrificed or damaged in the process. However, is this justifiable? And more fundamentally, what should be the primary concern of the Church?

The Church is the icon or image of God to the world, so that through the life of the Church, the world can see God. But to be an image that reflects God, we need to know who God is. God is a trinitarian God, consisting of three persons in one Godhead, dancing perichoretically in perfect oneness in a perfect community. Thus, as the image of God, it is the goal of the Church to constantly strive towards this perfect oneness in our relationship with others, starting from within the Church herself.

However, the dream of God is greater than reconciliation between human beings. It is his dream (which will be fulfilled at the end of time) for reconciliation to also take place between God and man and between man and the rest of creation. Therefore, the Church must participate in this dream of God and be an agent of reconciliation in these three dimensions. Sadly, our sole emphasis (at least for the Protestant Church) on evangelism, which covers only one dimension of reconciliation (between God and man) had cause us to often sacrifice another dimension (between human beings, especially Christians and 'non-Christians'). Furthermore, the other dimension (between man and the rest of creation) is seldom heard of in the Church. How often do we hear issues of environmental and animal concern being addressed in the Church?

Therefore, the primary concern of the Church is relationship (not evangelism). The kingdomic Church is a community of relational messengers who dance together perichoretically towards perfect oneness with God, with one another (including people of other faiths) and with the rest of creation. When the Church participates in this Great Dance, the world will turn their eyes upon the Dance, and perhaps desire to participate in this Dance as well.

"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Jesus Christ




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