Sunday, May 27, 2007

Dancing in the Mysteries

Uncertainty. In spite of its constancy in our lives, we struggle to co-exist with it, thus we often find ourselves engaging in a battle to remove uncertainty from our lives. We naturally feel uneasy and insecure when we realize that uncertainty veils us from seeing what lies ahead of us. Thus, we ignorantly dedicate our lives to an endless pursuit of material possessions in order to minimize the element of uncertainty in our lives, and safeguard a better tomorrow for our ourselves and our loved ones. Security and control become our main allies, for without them we feel vulnerable. We strive to become masters of our own destiny, gods of our own lives.

Yet, the outcome of the battle is certain even before it begins. We can never remove uncertainty from our lives for our finite minds can never fully comprehend all there is to life, things that we call the mysteries of life. Thus, life is a journey of venturing into the unknown, an adventure of endless findings. No longer do we struggle futilely with uncertainty, but by faith, we recognize and embrace the mysteries of life. We relish uncertainty in our lives, for it makes possible the endless possibilities of life. We welcome the mysteries of life, for it keeps us in anticipation of God’s progressive revelation.

Life is a beautiful art, in fact, a beautiful dance that we dance together with the Holy Trinity in the mysteries of life. The moment we try to unravel the mysteries, we kill the beauty of the dance. Dance, as the Holy Trinity leads us.



Blogger serene said...

pretty well said.. =)

4:31 pm  

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