Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Only a Few

Friends. They are everywhere. You naively think that anyone who puts on a friend-ly face is your friend.

When trouble befalls you, you are confronted by the cold truth which begs you to differ.

Your creative "friends" will utilise your trouble, using it as joking or gossiping materials, without realising how hurting such acts might be.

Your self-righteous "friends" will capitalise on your trouble, using it to pull you down mercilessly in the name of justice, without realising how misinformed and prejudicial they are.

Only a few...faithful friends will look beyond the trouble and see the troubled you, a wounded soul, and readily offering you comfort and what a friend will do.

You thought you have many friends, only to realise there are only a genuine few.

Thank you Trouble, for opening my eyes to distinguish friends from "friends".



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