Monday, November 19, 2007

Prisoner of Reputation

Our reputation means everything to us, for others' perceptions of us often form our self-identity and determine the health of our self-esteem. Yet, beware! The greater we attribute importance to Reputation, the more vulnerable we are to her attacks.

As we climb higher in any hierarchal structure and as our reputation grows, we become fiercer in guarding our reputation. We realise that we have less guts to do what is right unless our reputation is not at stake. Thus, we often choose Reputation over Righteousness, Justice and Compassion.

In Christian churches, organisations and institutions, such scenarios are common. When the reputation of the leader or the organisation is at stake, the wellbeing of others suddenly become immaterial as decisions are made and actions are taken to safeguard the reputation of the leader/organisation even if such decisions/actions are unjust and immoral.

Reputation. One will forever be her captive as long as one chooses her at the expense of Righteousness, Justice and Compassion. One can only truly be freed from her clutches and be free to do what is right when one cares not of one's own reputation, like Christ.

One anxious to defend his reputation pays no regard to anything else.
Mei Yao-ch'en
Song dynasty scholar



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