Saturday, April 18, 2009

Further Thoughts on "Beautifully Imperfect"

How do we handle another person's imperfection?

We try to make minimal contact with that person through avoidance, lest his imperfection causes annoyance, irritation and eventually an outburst of anger in us. That will be ugly and unbecoming of us in the eyes of others.

What if we cannot avoid the person? Too bad, we just do our best to tolerate and swallow the pain and irritation as a result of his imperfection. We see this as God's challenge for us to master the art of self-control.

What if we try to see his imperfection as a reminder of our own imperfection?

What if we try to see his imperfection as something that makes him uniquely him?

What if we try to see his imperfection as something that brings flavour and colour to our otherwise black-and-white lives?

We might be annoyed by a person's imperfection when he is alive, but it is also his beautiful imperfection that will make an irremovable mark in our hearts and memories when he is no longer with us. By then, his imperfection will be the only sweet thing we can cling on to tightly.

Perhaps it is time to look at the imperfection of others from a different perspective.



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